Thursday, November 29, 2012

Active Visualization And Mental Fitness

While researching the ideas of active visualization and mental fitness, I came across an article on thePsychology Today website called, “Three Keys to Optimum Mental Fitness: How to exercise your psychological muscles” by Clifford Lazarus, Ph. D.
The article begins with some wisdom that I try to instill on my students:
Most people know the importance of regular physical exercise.  Few people know, however, that proper psychological fitness training is also very important for overall health and optimum well-being.
Indeed, just as stretching, cardio and strength training are the three foundation stones of physical fitness (along with adequate sleep and healthy nutrition, of course) there are also three crucial components of psychological or emotional fitness, namely affirmation, visualization, and relaxation.
These, in fact, are the three keys to optimal mental fitness as well as the three keys for active visualization!

Active Visualization And Mental Fitness

Dr. Lazarus wrote briefly about each of these steps. I would organize them in a different sequence.
The first key for active visualization is relaxation. For relaxation, he wrote,
Relaxation:  Various forms of relaxation training have been used for centuries as a way for people to gain control (and even mastery) of many of their physical systems such as reducing arousal in their nervous system and calming tension in their muscles.
China Cove - Point Lobos
China Cove – Point Lobos: The most relaxing place on the west coast!
I couldn’t agree more with what he said. I will tell you that the active visualization process that I teach is so relaxing that 98% of my students come very close to falling asleep. While they are in that zone between being awake and being asleep, they often have experiences that change their lives for the better.
They report back to me that they almost fell asleep, and they were so interested in the process that they wanted to remain awake.
The relaxation process that I teach involves breathing deeply, withdrawing inward, visualizing a relaxing scene, scanning the body, and a relaxing count down. It has worked 100% of the time.
The second key is visualization. Dr. Lazarus wrote:
Visualization:  In essence, visualization activates the non-dominant or “right brain” in most people thus exercising important neural structures that further enhance optimism, confidence, and personal effectiveness.
In my process, I use visualization in two ways. The first way, as stated above, is to help trigger relaxation. I guide you to a relaxing scene of a place you have been before or to place you would like to visit.
The second way I use visualization is to have you imagine yourself being, doing or having the object of your desire. You are guided to image anything that pleases you.
It turns out that the brain cannot tell the difference between the real object of your desire and your image of it. This is how athletes rehearse their performances prior to going out on the field or on the court.
The third key is desire. This relates to the goal that you want to achieve in your session and also to Dr. Lazarus’ idea of affirmation:
Affirmation:  Basically, affirmation involves self-talk and thus recruits the dominant cerebral hemisphere (the so called “left brain” in most, right-handed people).  Simply stating to yourself certain positive messages actually activates specific neural pathways that when strengthened tend to promote self-esteem and well-being.
By stating your desire in the form of an affirmation, you will be able to allow an image to form that represents your desire. Napoleon Hill once stated,
Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.
He was referring to the process of achieving your goals, which is the object of active visualization.

The Process

The active visualization process consists of seven easy to follow steps which you will learn in the instructions after you download the recording.
Buy Now and receive a free bonus of a guided meditation recording to help you learn to follow your breathing.
As an additional bonus, you will also receive a reminder of the three keys to active visualization when you subscribe to our email list. You already know the first three keys. The fourth key will be sent to you three weeks after you begin, so please be sure to sign up to receive this bonus.
When you sign up for our email list, information about active visualization including blog posts, special offers and updates will come to your inbox. For example, our next recording will be about losing weight and you may know someone that this could benefit!
Thanksgiving Day Special – Only $9.97!
Get Instant Access
If you have any questions, please click here to send me a message. I will get back to you in record time!
I am confident that you will benefit from this process. Many already have.
Thank you for your order!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Declaration Of Interdependence

We, the sentient beings of the fourth planet (earth) from the star commonly known as the “sun”, declare that all existence is in a state of interdependence. The state of interdependence is a state of interbeing, of interconnectedness.
We recognize that people, animals, plants and minerals inter-are and share a single dwelling  place on planet earth.
Sentient beings consist of people, animals and plants. These three domains of sentient beings are totally dependent on each other and on minerals. We say that a state of “interbeing” exists between them.

The Nature Of Interbeing

RosePlants utilize minerals, other substances and sunlight to deliver oxygen to the atmosphere. Animals breathe oxygen and eat plants and other animals in order to survive and reproduce.
People rely on oxygen, plants, animals and minerals for survival and a good life.
Consider the rose in the picture on the left. The rose is always changing. Like everything else in the cosmos, it is impermanent. This is the insight of impermanence and it leads to the insight of interbeing.
The rose is made up of many elements. The rose has the sunshine in it. Sunshine is a component of the rose. Without sunshine, the rose cannot exist.
The rose cannot be by itself alone. The rose has to inter-be with all the non-rose elements such as the sunshine, the clouds, the rain, the minerals, the earth and the gardener.
These are some of the many non-rose elements. The rose can only be possible if these non-rose elements come together.
Thus the rose is empty of a separate existence.
We can therefore see the nature of  interbeing. Nothing exists by itself. Everything is interconnected with everything else.
This simple example of interbeing can be easily understood by a five year old child!
Hubble Deep FieldIf we look deeper, we can see the whole cosmos in the rose.
There once was a giant nebula of gas and dust in our region of the universe. This gas and dust was left over from the explosion of a giant supernova more than 4 billion years ago. All the elements essential for life and the rose were created in that supernova.
Our total existence is a result of stardust! We came from stardust and will once again become stardust when the sun becomes a jolly red giant and absorbs our planet. Back to stardust we will go.
Next time you look up in the sky and see the stars, recognize that what you see is a tiny fraction of what is out there.
Our galaxy is one of 200 billion or more galaxies. Our sun is just an ordinary star. The only thing special about it is that it has a planet in the “Goldilocks zone” – close enough to the sun to receive its warmth, but not so close that the water is vaporized. Earth is not so far away that the water is ice. It is the perfect zone for life as we know it to exist.
Other stars have planets and many have been discovered. As of the date of this writing, there are 851 observed exoplanets – planets that orbit stars other than the sun.

The Declaration Of Interdependence

So now that we recognize the nature of interbeing, what do we do?
We declare that all humanity is in a state of interbeing. From this we conclude that no one person is separate from the rest of humanity. No human being could exist by herself or himself at all. We are dependent on each other and the environment.
This means that all humans share an equal right to enjoy happiness and avoid suffering. This is the wish of all sentient beings!
Therefore, no one should enslave another.
No one should take the life of another.
No one should take from another anything that is not freely given.
No one should force a sexual act on another.
Everyone should listen deeply to the cares and concerns of someone in need.
Everyone should speak honestly, lovingly and clearly when they need to.
Everyone should consider the finite resources of our planet when deciding how to live their lives.

Loving Kindness And Compassion

If we recognize our nature of interbeing, we will appreciate that we have everything we need to be happy in the present moment. We can develop loving kindness and compassion towards ourselves and eliminate our fear of scarcity.
We can learn to shower loving kindness and compassion on ourselves and appreciate life just as it is.
Once we become accustomed to experiencing loving kindness and compassion for ourselves, we will naturally want to share this with our immediate family – our parents, grandparents, spouse and children and their children and so on. We can shower loving kindness blessings on these most important people in our lives.
Then we can spread our loving kindness and compassion towards our uncles, aunts, siblings and their children and their children’s children and so on to all members of our extended family.
Soon will will want to shower our loving kindness and compassion on our close friends and their families. These are the people we spend time with frequently and whenever possible.
Most likely, we will encounter family or friends who are suffering from an illness or other upsetting event. We can learn to shower our loving kindness and compassion on these folks as well. This kind of activity can even help them to heal.
Now that we know how to shower loving kindness and compassion on people we know, we can learn to shower loving kindness blessings on all sentient beings and our lonely planet.
Starting with ourselves, continuing with our loved once, all the way down to our planet we can use the following blessings. While they refer to ourselves, we can easily substitute someone or many other people or planet earth as the subject.
May I be at peace.
May my heart remain open.
May I know the beauty and the radiance of my own true nature.
May I be healthy.
May I be free of suffering.
May I be happy, truly happy.
In honor of the Declaration of Interdependence, we commit to make this a part of our daily meditation practices.

Sign The Declaration of Interdependence

We are all invited to sign the Declaration of Interdependence! This is fun and easy to do. Just place a comment on this page that says anything you want about the Declaration of Interdependence. It can be as simple as just your name or “I am honored to sign the Declaration of Interdependence.”
You may also suggest what we should do to make the Declaration of Interdependence better known. What suggestions do you have?
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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Active Visualization For Thanksgiving

To celebrate the Thanksgiving Holiday, you can now enjoy Active Visualization for 97 cents until Monday morning at 9:00 AM Pacific time. The price will then go up to $27.00. Just click on the image below to try active visualization.
Active Visualization
There are many reasons for this special offer.
The first and foremost reason is that I am so grateful that you have been following the blogs and I want to reward you! Please consider this a big Thank You!
The second is that I am really thankful that my annual checkup for cancer today continues to show that I am free of cancer!
The third reason is that I am really happy for the sharing that will take place with my family and friends over the next six weeks. I am looking forward to my daughter, Jessica returning from Ecuador on Christmas day!
You are totally welcome to share this gift with your family and friends.
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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Active Visualization And Shamanic Healing

Dr. Michael Harner

Dr. Michael Harner is the founder and inspiration for The Foundation for Shamanic Studies. He is an anthropologist who received his Ph. D. from the University of California, Berkeley.
Michael Harner Drumming
Michael Harner Drumming
In their book, Higher Wisdom, Roger Walsh and Charles S. Grob say this about Michael:
 What Yogananda did for Hinduism and D.T. Suzuki did for Zen, Michael Harner has done for shamanism, namely bring the tradition and its richness to Western awareness. Michael Harner is widely acknowledged as the world’s foremost authority on shamanism and has had an enormous influence on both the academic and lay worlds.
I first met Michael and his lovely wife, Sandra, in February of 2009 at a preview party for the Institute For Health and Healing (IHH) annual event honoring Michael as a Pioneer in Integrative Medicine. At that time, I was a member of the Community Council of the IHH.
I remember sitting on a couch with Michael and talking to him about the teachings of Father Eli, who was one of my root teachers. In our conversation, it became clear to me that there were many similarities between shamanism and the teachings of Father Eli.
I had the opportunity to also witness two live video recordings. Dr. Harner told many tales of the Amazon and his experience with the shamans.
At the beginning of 2011, we were invited to have tea with Michael and Sandra. Jessica was leaving in a few days to volunteer at the Kapawi Lodge in the middle of the rain forest in Ecuador. The lodge was built by the Pachamama Alliance. Jessica was going there to teach English to the native Achuar people who run the lodge.
The year before (2010) I was invited to a friend’s house to hear a presentation by Michael about the Institute for Shamanic Studies. The director of the institute, Susan Mokelke, offered attendees a chance to experience a shamanic journey to anyone who was interested. I took her up on the offer.

My Shamanic Healing Journey

The setting was a beautiful home in Tiburon, California at the end of April. Susan set the stage for our journey with stories about Michael, shamans and drumming.
I was at the beginning of the onset of another bladder cancer tumor and was scheduled for surgery the next week. This journey into active visualization and shamanic healing couldn’t have come at a better time!
I remember vividly the layout of the room and my position on the floor as the drumming began.
Residence of Thich Nhat Hanh in Plum Village
Residence of Thich Nhat Hanh in Plum Village | Photo Jerome Freedman, 2000
I saw myself lying on the deck of a small hermitage like that of my teacher, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s. I was in the part of the deck exposed to the sun.
I was on a comfortable mattress high above the valley below in a forest of redwood trees. I could hear the sound of the water flowing in the creek as it wandered through the valley.
The air was crisp and clean and the sky was a deep blue. The smell of the redwood trees was strong and wonderful.
As I invited my animal totem, a beautiful, large raven, into my space, it landed on the specially designed platform that was made for it on the deck.
Then I invited the raven to come over to be with me. The raven sensed the tumor and started to peck away at the cancer. The raven dove into my bladder, over and over again, and got rid of all of the cancer cells.
When I heard the staccato of the drums signaling the end of the journey, I expressed my gratitude to the raven and gradually came back to the room.
I was convinced that whatever treatment was in store for me was going to work. So far it has and I go back to my urologist in three weeks for my annual checkup.

Active Visualization And Shamanic Healing

When I think about my shamanic healing journey and relate it to the guided imagery experience I had on the spring equinox of 1997, I find tremendous similarities.
The most important connection between the two is that they both contributed towards a clean bill of health with regard to bladder cancer. Each active visualization process helped prepare my immune system to eliminate the cancer cells in my body. They also reinforced my mantra, “Healthy cells grow all by themselves.”
The second connection between the two processes was the state of deep relaxation in which the active visualization took place. In the first case (1997), I was reclining on a comfortable chair in the cancer center as my guide, Leslie Davenport encouraged me to relax. In the second case (2010), I was flat on my back on the floor.
In both cases, I became extremely relaxed so that my imaginative mind could invoke the healing images, which is the third connection between the two experiences. They came naturally to me based on my many previous experiences with these processes.
In addition, my strong desire to contribute to my own healing was active in both situations. You may recall reading about how active visualization changed my life. In that story, I told about just one use of active visualization that won me a job in Marin County, California, partially because of my strong desire to be living here.
Another connection between the two sessions was the presence of sound. In the guided imagery with Leslie Davenport, it was the sound of her voice that helped me relax and conjure up the visual images. In the shamanic journey, it was the sound of the drum beat that inspired the visualization.
In each case, none of the images were premeditated. They came naturally out of the process.

Active Visualization Can Work For You Too!

Another time that active visualization made a significant impact on my life was when Mind Stories Helped Cure Cancer.
My son, Micah, was stricken with a kidney cancer called a Wilm’s tumor at age 7. I taught him to do active visualization the first day he was in the hospital.
I continued to work with him and by myself until I hired Dr. Sheldon Ruderman to take over this work. It was best for me not to be too involved with this aspect of his healing because of my strong wish for him to recover.
I hope these examples have shown you how active visualization can work for you! I’m convinced that if you try active visualization, you will like it. You have my support!
Please try active visualization and share this story with your family and friends.
Active Visualization
Active Visualization

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